
Monday, December 17, 2012

PPA Charities Photo Idol - Day 4

I hope you’re enjoying the “Photo Idol” stories and thinking about your own mentors throughout your photographic career.

I’m posting these snippets as I make my nominations for the PPA Charities Photo Idol 2012. I truly want to encourage everyone to participate, not only because it’s a great cause and excellent way to “pay it forward”, but also because it’s an awesome way to honor some of the very important people who helped to shape your photographic careers.
PPA Charities Photo Idol 2012

So . . . here’s another of my own stories. Watch for them on my Facebook page as well as on my blogs. Of course, all the vote tallies will also be shown on the PPA Charities website and Facebook pages.

Now, it’s time to reveal my fourth PPA Charities Photo Idol.

I first joined the Professional Photographers of America back in 1977, but for a number of years I was what you might call a “checkbook member”. Although I paid my dues regularly, used the logo and told clients I was a member of PPA, I never really rolled up my sleeves and did anything with the association.

Until 1993. That was the year I first ventured onto the internet. I used this new software called “America Online” and after joining, ventured into a chat group called “PPA”. It was in that group where I met Helen Yancy for the first time. Helen was the PPA President and I was just starting to get a feel of what actually getting involved with PPA associations could do for me and my photographic career. Helen encouraged me to stop standing by as a spectator and take a more active role in the groups to which I belonged. It was scary – I didn’t know anyone . . . but I went to a few local meetings and liked what I saw. After one meeting, I swallowed hard and walked up to the President to ask if there was anything I could do to help out. The rest is history.

Helen Yancy is a talented photographic artist. Many of you have taken her classes on Painter and photographic enhancement. While we know of her talents within the industry, she’s also a very giving, caring woman. I’m proud to know her and call her a friend.

When I received my PPA degrees in 1998, I asked Helen to be my “sponsor”; the individual who would hang the medallions around my neck. It was a proud moment for so many reasons . . . (but you’ll have to come back to find out the rest of the story on a different day.)

Thank-you to my dear friend Helen Yancy. Without you, I’d have never enjoyed my PPA membership to the level I have. You put a face on what it means to serve other members in a leadership role and set an example for everyone you touch. I know you already know this, but you are truly one of my “Photo Idols.”

Please vote for your own Photo Idol. Go to

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