
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Love Pinterest? If you're a #photog check out this new dedicated pinning site!

One of the latest sites to explode onto the scene has been Pinterest, where users can "pin" anything from wedding ideas, recipes, photographs, etc onto their "board" to share with others. There's no denying it's been huge, but because of the wide variety of content it can also be more than time-consuming when searching for a particular item.

Enter, a site dedicated completely to photographers. Here, you can "pin" photographs into areas such as seniors, weddings and modeling. Users can also look for tips on gear, editing and education, or simply unwind with some "photography humor".

Use the site as an inspirational tool before a session, a place to show off your latest images, or simply an easy route to view and share what others across the world are doing in and out of their studios.

Signup is free and fast (you can even use your Facebook or Twitter account to login).

Photographer Jen Hillenga says "Love a new toy. Time for me to share. A place where I can share and get inspired is just starting and they asked a couple pros to play. Going to be huge."

Check it out!

- David

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