
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Q & A: Simple Marketing Tips For Emerging Professionals

From time to time, readers send in questions or ask for help. In the coming weeks, I'll try to answer a few of them here.

- What is the best low-cost marketing idea a beginning photographer could implement?

Partner with people you do business with to take advantage of their client base as well as your own. How cool is it for them to be able to offer a free portrait session as a thank-you gift to their clients? It puts your name in front of an entirely new group of people for a minimal cost on your part. Get involved with business groups and get your name in front of other business professionals.

Discount your sessions, not your print prices. I made up business cards that I gave to just about everyone that offered them a no-charge basic studio session. I still ask my clients for referrals and offer them a referral credit for each person they send to my studio.

Rather than discounting print prices, offer rewards or incentives for reaching a certain order level or placing the order within a specified time-frame. Cutting your print prices only encourages clients to ask for print discounts in the future and ultimately, brings you more people who are looking for a "deal" or "cheap photography".

- David Grupa

Do you have a question you like a member of the Camp David team to answer? Send your questions to !

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