
Monday, June 20, 2011

Q & A: If You Got a "Do-Over", What Would You Change?

From time to time, readers send in questions or ask for help. In the coming weeks, I'll try to answer a few of them here.

- If someone gave you a “do-over” for your first year in business as a photographer, what are the changes you would make to the way you marketed yourself and your business?

There are two things I would have done differently that I believe would have made a huge difference in my photography and my business.

First, I would have become active in professional associations earlier. Not simply "joined", but truly gotten active in the educational events and opportunities. The networking gained from professional memberships has proven to be invaluable.

Given that knowledge, I feel that I would have been able to approach marketing in a more confident, professional manner. I was very young (only 17) when I began my photography business and really flew by the seat of my pants for the first couple of years.

Secondly, I would have had a plan. Most of my marketing at that time was done without any type of plan in mind other than to "get more business". I didn't care what type, just anyone who wanted a photograph at any time. I needed to plan events based around the busy and not-so-busy times of the year and truly prepare for promote them better. 

- David Grupa

Do you have a question you like a member of the Camp David team to answer? Send your questions to !

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