
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

What Skill Are You Lacking To Make More Money?

One of the things on my perpetual To-Do List is clean off the kitchen countertops. We could even expand that to "any horizontal surface on which items of indecision are placed." Wow . . . that might be . . . my entire house!

But back to the kitchen for a minute. I probably wouldn't have taken the initiative to do this myself had it not been for the urging of someone else. You see, I was out to breakfast Sunday morning with Kirsten doing some planning for our upcoming Camp David - Taking Control event. During the process, she suggested that I spend just one hour clearing various papers off my kitchen table and countertop that afternoon. Not only would it make future cleaning a lot simpler (and less stressful), it would make my life less stressful by having things in organized places and just plain decluttering. I knew she was right (she usually is!)

During the process, one of the items I found was a tablet on which I'd taken notes from a seminar I'd attended. One of the quotes I wrote on this paper was by motivational speaker and self-help author Brian Tracy.
"Most of us are just one skill away from doubling our income."

Think about it. Most of us already know about our own shortcomings. We can probably make a list of them without skipping a beat. Sadly, we can also rattle off a list of excuses why we "aren't able" to do anything about them.

Our own self-defeating behaviors are costing us money!

Think about it. What's your weakness? Lighting? Posing? Color management? Workflow? Pricing help? Sales techniques? Time management? Something else?

The year is almost 1/3 complete. Where are you in your resolutions? Have you accomplished the things you set out to do?

Sometimes, it takes a little urging from an outside party to get you motivated. Kirsten was my catalyst. We all need someone or something that motivates us, pushes us and helps us to grow.

What one skill do YOU need to double your income? Don't leave money on the table. Plan to do something about improving yourself and acquiring the skills you need to make a great living in this awesome profession!

- David Grupa

PS - Still wondering about that catalyst in your life? We think the Camp David team can be one of yours. If you are serious about doing something to improve those skills today, register for Camp David 2011 today. You get a full day of photographic education in an environment where you can ask questions without feeling intimidated. Call  651.748.8779 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            651.748.8779      end_of_the_skype_highlightingnow to register!

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