
Monday, March 28, 2011

iTextPhoto Keeps You in Front of Seniors With Mobile Marketing Options

Let's touch on something that's really exploded in the past few years; mobile marketing. Although there are a number of components to mobile marketing, today we're going to focus on 2 specific parts.

Text Messaging

Anyone who's had a mobile phone for any length of time is already aware of the popularity of text messaging. Most teens would rather text than talk, so what better way to reach them than in a text message?
Companies such as iTextPhoto specialize in getting the message across for professional photographers. They collect and maintain a database of people who text a "mobile keyword" to a specific number. When people text your keyword it automatically opts their mobile number into your itextphoto database. From there, you're free to send text messages that include special offers or links to mobile websites. You can also send out a favorite image, share a new video slideshow with all your portrait clients, or surprise a client with a favorite preview image they can forward to friends and family or set as their phone background image.

Since not all websites are optimized for viewing on smartphones and mobile devices, one of the cool features if iTextPhoto is their special "mobile website". You can create you own gallery specifically compatible for viewing on a smartphone. How cool is that?

I've added text messaging and to my marketing plan for 2011. If you'd like to check it out for yourself, visit iTextPhoto for more information on their mobilemarketing plans.

QR codes

One of the hottest new pieces of technology to make its way into the market is the QR (Quick Response) code. These small, square barcodes can be scanned with Android, Blackberry and iPhones utilizing a barcode reader software (available free in the Android Market or iTunes store under the download "Barcode Scanner"). The result can be anything from a contact info card, to a phone number, to a link to a website showing photographs.

QR Codes are slowly but steadily being adopted by the public. Marketers have begun to notice the incredibly low cost of QR codes and their amazingly effective ROI.

The codes are easily generated online at sites such as ZXing. Simply type in the type of info you'd like displayed and a QR code will be generated for your use. You can print it in your marketing materials, on a tshirt, on stickers or post it on your Facebook page.

The uses are many; what uses will you think of for QR codes?

If you're thinking "Great, but I don't know about text messaging and scanning barcodes with my phone," you're in a growing minority. Remember, we're marketing to high school seniors . . . and they DO "get it" when it comes to technology.

Stay ahead of the game!

- David Grupa

1 comment:

  1. Great can even use the qr codes to send a text message now, they scan the qr code and hit send and it sends the text message right to your itextphoto account!
