
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Register Now - Camp David 2011 - Take Control!

Camp David 2011 - Take Control!

Date - Monday, April 25th
Location - Maplewood Community Center  2100 White Bear Ave - Maplewood, MN

Time - 9:00am to 6:00pm  -registration/check-in begins at 8:30am
(informal dinner to follow at Jake's - Maplewood)

Has your photography "business" take over your life? Are you tired of spending all your time in Photoshop? Has your family ever asked "How much more time are you going to spend in front of the computer?"

Are you new to the industry and just need to learn the proper way to get started?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions or you would like to get better in lighting, workflow, sales and marketing, or just become more profitable, it's time for you to Take Control of your business.

Join David Jones, Dave Johnson, David Grupa and Kirsten Holscher for a full day of helpful information. Last year's Camp David was a huge success and 2011 will be even better!

Spend the morning at our lighting and workflow stations; learn studio lighting, lighting on-location with off-camera flash, color balance and workflow, and presentation and sales techniques.

We'll pause for a brief lunch together, then get right back into things for our afternoon breakout sessions. Choose from the following:

David Jones - Lightroom
Learn how Adobe's Lightroom can speed up your workflow and help organize your images.

Dave Johnson - Get Away From Your Computer and Get Your Life Back!
Learn how to automate your regular tasks in Photoshop by building actions. Every second you save is time you can spend doing something you really enjoy!

Kirsten Holscher - Business By The Numbers
Your business numbers are more than just the price of your products. Knowing how all of the numbers fit together will allow you to chart your course and keep you on track.

David Grupa - Social Media Marketing
Social Media encompasses your internet presence, including Facebook, Twitter, your blog and website. Spend your time online doing something productive for your business.

Register by April 15th and receive the "trade show in-a-bag" gift, 
loaded with goodies and more!

Cost - $99 per person/ $129 at the door - Registration includes lunch and a PPA Charities t-shirt!
NEW - Register with a "Buddy" and Both of you come for $149!
(Buddy Pass offer good only when both registrations are received together.)

A portion of the proceeds from all Camp David registrations will be donated to PPA Charities
For more information call David Grupa at 651.748.8779 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            651.748.8779      end_of_the_skype_highlighting or email

Coming from out of town?
Emerald Inn Maplewood - 651.777.8131 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            651.777.8131      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Days Inn Maplewood - 651.288.0808 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            651.288.0808      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Country Inn Vadnais Heights - 651.483.1625 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            651.483.1625      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Make Senior Reps a Part of Your Marketing Plan!

As consumers, we like to know what we are getting into before doing business with a company with which we are not familiar. For example, if you need to buy or sell your home you will probably ask someone you know which realtor they worked with and if they liked them. Or you may look for reviews online.

The senior portrait market is no different. First-time senior parents ask other parents who have been through it before. The seniors themselves look to their friends to see where they went and if they liked their images.

A senior rep promotes your business to their friends and classmates. Typically, the rep is provided with an incentive that they hand out or offer to friends and classmates. The business benefits to you include word-of-mouth advertising and additional bookings. The senior rep is rewarded based on the number of referrals who book a session.

If you’ve never worked with senior reps before, there are a few basic things you need to have in place. First, you need to know what you are offering to the rep in the form of sessions and rewards. Next, you’ll need to find the reps you want to work with. Finally, you need to get your ducks in a row. It is important to photograph the reps’ sessions early enough so you can get information into their hands before school is out for the summer. Why? Senior portrait sessions can be scheduled as early as June and even May. If you don’t have information out there until June you are losing out on potential bookings.

Let’s begin by looking at what to offer the rep. For starters, you will need to do a model session. Length of time, clothing changes, locations, etc. can be entirely up to you. I do a studio session with a few different clothing changes to show variety in backgrounds and outfits. Don’t go overboard on the number of images from this session.

After editing, I meet with the reps to determine which images are their favorites. I use these in my marketing pieces, as well as on the business/gift cards the student reps will hand out to their friends. Each rep gets 20-30 double sided business cards with an offer; this can include a gift card ($20, $50 or $75 off a session fee) or another product. The offer is totally up to you!

Get the business cards in the hands of your reps and keep them informed of any sales or special promotions you have going on throughout the senior season. Typically, I send them a quick note on Facebook to let them know of upcoming promotions. I also take this time to ask if they need anything from me that could help them gain more referrals.

Make sure to track the referrals you get from each rep. I have reward levels set up for each 5 referrals a rep sends to the studio. These reward levels are in addition to a $20 studio credit the rep receives for each referral that booked a session.

It can be tricky to find the reps, especially if you have not photographed seniors before. Here are a couple of ideas:

1)       If you have photographed seniors, ask them who they think a good rep would be from the junior class. Contact the people who are suggested by saying you received their name from this person. That will give you credibility (and not make you look like you are a creeper on Facebook.)

2)       Send out an email to your existing client base. Let them know you are looking for energetic students who want to represent your studio in their school.

3)       Use Facebook ads targeted to 16-17 yr olds in your area to generate online interest.

4)       Advertise on other social media outlets (website, Facebook, Twitter, blog, etc.)

A good rep is outgoing and involved in school activities or just has a lot of friends. Your senior rep program can have a lot of little nuances that makes the reps work really hard for your business. Not all reps are created equal. Some will do a great job getting you referrals, while others just think it is fun to be a rep and don't treat it like a "job". Be realistic in your expectations. If you are new to the senior market (or even just new to a school) it might take a couple of years to really get a good senior base going.

While senior reps are a great source of marketing, they shouldn’t be your only source. As discussed in previous posts here, direct mail, email marketing campaigns, referrals from regular sessions, Facebook ads and good old word-of-mouth are all needed to really spread the news that you are in the business of photographing high school seniors.

Have fun photographing!

- Kirsten Holscher
Kirsten Holscher, CPP, Cr. Photog. owns Fieldstone Portraits in Cottage Grove, MN. She also helps studio owners through her business coaching endeavor, First Things First. 
If you’d like more in-depth information about senior rep programs, visit She offers an in-depth information guide on creating a senior rep program which is on sale now!

Monday, March 28, 2011

iTextPhoto Keeps You in Front of Seniors With Mobile Marketing Options

Let's touch on something that's really exploded in the past few years; mobile marketing. Although there are a number of components to mobile marketing, today we're going to focus on 2 specific parts.

Text Messaging

Anyone who's had a mobile phone for any length of time is already aware of the popularity of text messaging. Most teens would rather text than talk, so what better way to reach them than in a text message?
Companies such as iTextPhoto specialize in getting the message across for professional photographers. They collect and maintain a database of people who text a "mobile keyword" to a specific number. When people text your keyword it automatically opts their mobile number into your itextphoto database. From there, you're free to send text messages that include special offers or links to mobile websites. You can also send out a favorite image, share a new video slideshow with all your portrait clients, or surprise a client with a favorite preview image they can forward to friends and family or set as their phone background image.

Since not all websites are optimized for viewing on smartphones and mobile devices, one of the cool features if iTextPhoto is their special "mobile website". You can create you own gallery specifically compatible for viewing on a smartphone. How cool is that?

I've added text messaging and to my marketing plan for 2011. If you'd like to check it out for yourself, visit iTextPhoto for more information on their mobilemarketing plans.

QR codes

One of the hottest new pieces of technology to make its way into the market is the QR (Quick Response) code. These small, square barcodes can be scanned with Android, Blackberry and iPhones utilizing a barcode reader software (available free in the Android Market or iTunes store under the download "Barcode Scanner"). The result can be anything from a contact info card, to a phone number, to a link to a website showing photographs.

QR Codes are slowly but steadily being adopted by the public. Marketers have begun to notice the incredibly low cost of QR codes and their amazingly effective ROI.

The codes are easily generated online at sites such as ZXing. Simply type in the type of info you'd like displayed and a QR code will be generated for your use. You can print it in your marketing materials, on a tshirt, on stickers or post it on your Facebook page.

The uses are many; what uses will you think of for QR codes?

If you're thinking "Great, but I don't know about text messaging and scanning barcodes with my phone," you're in a growing minority. Remember, we're marketing to high school seniors . . . and they DO "get it" when it comes to technology.

Stay ahead of the game!

- David Grupa

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Get An Easy-to-Remember Link for Your Facebook Fan / Business Page!

Here's a quick Facebook Tip . . .

Do you hate the long, cryptic link that you have to try to convey to fans to get them to your business page? Have you reached 25+ fans yet?

If your page already has over 25 fans, you can change the url for your "page" from the long, confusing style to something shorter and easy to remember (and share with your clients!)

Go to and follow the prompts. Your new page link can be whatever you choose (ie: but choose wisely.  
Once you set the username, you can NOT change it. Ever.


- David Grupa

Note: Usernames are issued on a first-come, first-served basis. Claim your username before someone else does!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Should You Use Traditional Mailing Pieces in Your Senior Marketing?

With the popularity of electronic media increasing, many photographers often ask "is it even necessary to do a mailing? Can't I just use Facebook and my student reps?"

Any marketing campaign (and that's what we're building - a package) should contain enough elements to cover your target market in as many ways as possible. In my market (a large metro area) advertising in the newspaper, or on radio or television is not only cost prohibitive, it's fleeting and ineffective. Ads on broadcast media are literally "gone in 60 seconds", while newspapers get recycled at the end of the day, often without your target market having seen or heard your spot.

Remember, we are marketing to both the high school senior and his/her parents (or the checkbook holder who gets the final say), so I still use 3-4 USPS mailings per season. This literally puts my name in the hands of both student and parent in a format that is more permanent than radio / TV / Facebook / newspaper. Since there is a coming need, the card is bound to be put in a prominent place (such as the refrigerator door) and kept for reference.

Here are 6 important things to consider when doing a senior mailing:

1)     Use images to grab attention, use simple text to hold it. Design the front side of the card with eye-catching images and graphics, then use a short headline to entice them to read the other side.

2)    The offer portion of your card should be simple and easy to read. Don't try to cram every little detail onto the piece; state your offer quickly and concisely.

3)    Include a Call-to-Action statement. A generic offer with no call-to-action doesn't push the reader to make a decision and act on it. Something like "One Day Sale" or "Hurry, Offer Expires April 1st" will cause the reader to respond.

4)     Include your contact information! While this seems simple, too many beautiful cards get designed with the studio phone number and website as an afterthought. Don't make it the reader have to hunt for your contact info.

5)     Address the card "To The Parents Of" the high school senior. Once the piece is brought in from the mailbox, it often gets sorted by addressee. You want mom to see the your piece as well as the senior.

6)     Work from a reliable mailing list. While you can purchase lists from brokers, sometimes the actual school district will sell you a list of their upcoming seniors. Check to see if this is available in your area; it's far more accurate than a purchased list.

There are numerous places to get quantity postcards printed in full color. Depending on the quantity of cards needed, I have received great prices and service from these vendors:
Next Day Flyers -
VistaPrint -
Willy Walt Printing -
(Check out the VistaPrint link for special discounts!)

Of course, one of the keys to a successful mailing campaign is repetition. Sending out a single card often leaves photographers wondering why they received little or no response. Follow up with 2 or 3 smaller cards after your initial mailing to remind parents and seniors that "there's still time to schedule your appointment".

Start designing now so they'll be ready to mail in the coming months!

- David Grupa

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

9 Things To Do in Preparation for the HS Senior Season

As photographers, we just love to have people in front of our cameras. Being creative individuals causes us to "think outside the box" and come up with new ways to light, pose, photograph and sell to our clients.

However, as small business owners we often fall a bit short of that creative mark. So many photographer I speak with either hate the thought of marketing their business or just have no idea where to begin; many end up doing nothing at all. If this describes how you feel about marketing your studio, you'll want to watch this page as the next few articles will deal with marketing ideas for high school seniors.

There are many facets involved in creating a coordinated marketing campaign, so advance planning is vital. You can't just mail out a card that says "Class of This Year's Seniors Should All Be Photographed Here" and expect that to do the trick. Competition for the photography dollar has never been more challenging.

Here Are 9 Ideas of What To Do in Preparation for a New Year of HS Senior Clients:

1)      Look back at the previous year. You can't tell where you're going until you know where you've been.
- What sold well?
- What items are just taking up space on your price list?
- Is it time to refresh / replace / remove slow-moving or non-selling offerings?

2)      Review your senior portrait menu.
- Is the design still relevant?
- Do your clients understand it easily without explanation?
- Is your pricing still profitable? (Do you need an increase?)

3)      Manage your web presence.
- Change out images on your website from past years so you continually look current. HS seniors (and their parents, who make the buying decision) love to see faces of people they know!
- Make sure you are keeping current updates on your blog.
- Don't forget about Facebook; it's not just for games and socializing!

4)      Decide on your offers and strategy.
- Should you offer a discount on sessions or packages? (Hint: I always discount sessions because the client only purchases one of these. If I discount the portrait packages, I'm now beginning to take money out of my own pocket. And NEVER give away wallets! What do seniors always purchase?)
- Will you mail postcards, post offers on your website, use Facebook, or a combination of these?
- If mailing, have you ordered a mailing list yet?
- When will you make these offers? What dates are they valid?

5)      Schedule model sessions.
- Arrange for a few of next year's seniors to schedule a mini-session in your studio so you can get some fresh faces online. This also gives you the opportunity to try new ideas and perfect new techniques.

6)      Design your materials.
- Whether it will be electronic or printed, design your campaign with a coordinated look. There needs to be continuity in your marketing.

7)      Update your studio / look.
- Perhaps it's time to purchase new backgrounds (or maybe just trade with a colleague to save $$ and still get a fresh look.)
- Make sure your props have a fresh coat of paint and everything is clean and free of dust, cobwebs, etc. (Nothing makes a senior girl cringe like a spiderweb!)
- Walk into your studio as if you were the client. What would you change / clean / repair?
- Schedule an Open House, for clients, colleagues or both! (Nothing makes you take a critical look at yourself as when you've got company coming!)

8)      Challenge yourself to waste less time.
- Seriously, how many frames are you going to show a client? We all overshoot, but sometimes we make more work for ourselves. Remember, the images you capture today you'll still have to edit later.

9)      Unclog the post-production bottleneck by preparing yourself in advance.
- Sick of retouching? Try a service such as You'll still have to do your own "finishing" to the image, but the basic retouching is handled for $5 a file or less.
- How many times have you looked at an image and run 2, 3, 4 or more different actions on it just to see what they do?
- Look at what you've done in years past; retire any effects that are outdated or overused. Decide what look you'd like for the coming year and highlight 6-10 effects that you intend to use regularly. Move them to a prominent spot in your palette along with other often-used actions to save time searching.

The list will continue to grow as you dig deeper, but these tips should give you a head start on preparing for a busy and profitable high school senior season!

- David Grupa

Stay tuned:  More Creative Senior Marketing Ideas in Coming Articles!

Friday, March 18, 2011

College Credits for a Class on Cell Phone Photography?

Since shortly after the birth of film and cameras, schools and Universities across the world have offered classes in photography ranging from technical skills to artistic endeavors to just plain basic taking better pictures.

Just about everyone has a camera on their cell phone, so in addition to learning to take better pictures, students will also be taught to realize "the full gravity of what's at their fingertips and the power they can have," Immaculata University communications professor Sean Flannery said.

Working in tandem with professional photographer Hunter Martin, who teaches the more technical side of photography (lighting, composition, etc.) Flannery will deal with the ethical side of carrying a portable recording device in today's society. In addition to the artistic aspects, such subjects as privacy, voyeurism and appropriate usage of images in social media outlets will be discussed.

"I think it's part of our responsibility . . . to teach kids how to use this tool," he said. "It's really no different from teaching proper use of a videocamera in a broadcast news class."

Courses in cell phone photography are not unique; NYU has offered a cell phone video class each fall for the past 2 years. University officials at Immaculata believe theirs differs in its role of addressing the associated ethical aspects.

Flannery and Martin plan a campus art show in April to exhibit the students' cell phone photos.

A private Catholic university that serves about 1,000 full-time undergraduate students, Immaculata is about 20 miles west of Philadelphia.

- David Grupa

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Preparing Images for Competition? Get a Headstart at Mark and Krish Kiefer's Workshop!

It's that time of year when photographers everywhere are preparing files in the hopes of earning merits toward PPA's Master of Photography Degree, or perhaps just evaluating how their work stacks up against others in the industry. With image competition deadlines right around the corner, what would you give to be able to pick the brains of not one, but two PPA Masters who've experienced their fair share of success in this arena?

Here's your chance.

On Sunday, April 3rd, you can spend the day with Krish and Mark Kiefer to learn the secrets of success in print competition. Join this husband and wife team in their Waconia, MN studio as they guide you through the process of visualizing, selecting, enhancing and then finishing award-winning images from your raw file to the final presentation.They will decipher the twelve elements of a merit print. Areas of emphasis will include composition, storytelling, impact, creativity and presentation. You will learn how to properly work with your RAW file to get the most out of it, including proper sizing, color management, enhancing and final presentation/matting.

Both Krish and Mark have earned their Master of Photography and Photographic Craftsman Degrees from the Professional Photographers of America. Both are Certified Professional Photographers, experiencing success at all levels of competition. They have been awarded numerous Kodak Gallery Awards, Fuji Masterpiece Awards, judges' choice ribbons, as well as many PPA Loan Collection Prints. Their studio has been featured on the Photovision DVD series.

Since Krish and Mark are very close friends of mine, I could go on about their accolades but I think you get the idea. What I will say is this; these two are complete rockstars when it comes to the ins and outs of photographic competition. They're also good people who genuinely want to provide sound advice at a reasonable price. This is not one of those "thousand-dollar-days" that you won't be able to afford. (My understanding is that the price tag on this is actually under $200; how can you afford NOT to attend?)

Those attending are encouraged to bring images/files for critique and to work on. Bring your laptop to this full-day class so you can learn new techniques in Photoshop that will not only benefit you in competition, but bring up the overall quality of your everyday work.

Even though you may be asking yourself if you should wait until your images are better before start entering, the reality is the sooner you enter, the sooner you should start to see an improvement in your work. Do you really want to wait to improve your skills?

Entry deadline for the PPA International Competition 2011 is April 27th. Stop putting it off and make it happen now.

For information on this workshop (limited to 12 people to maximize the hands-on learning experience), call Krish or Mark at 952.442.5436.

Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity with two of the industry's best!

- David Grupa

Monday, March 14, 2011

More Free Photoshop Actions (No, Really!)

A few weeks ago, I wrote about the benefits of using a few "Free Actions" that would save you time editing and help you make more money in the sales room. Your wide variety of responses made me smile; at least I know there are people out there who actually read this! In case you missed it, you can find the complete post here:

Ok, so I admit that while these "actions" will work in the method described, they were not the cute little Photoshop plugins you may have been expecting. Nevertheless, they are effective if you use them as stated!

However, if it's Photoshop shortcuts and tricks you want, here are a few options for places to go online where you can download free actions and/or purchase others!

The first link is from Jodi Friedman of MCP Actions. These are designed specifically for photographers and will definitely save you time in creating images for your clients. There's also a free action to help in resizing Facebook and blog images, plus video tutorials and other helpful info. Definitely worth the time!

Action Central  offers well over 200 Photoshop actions that range from image enhancement, BW conversions, artistic effects, frames and borders, and more. Some of my favorites on this site are Chip Springer's actions for red-eye removal and Dave Jaseck's Midnight Action Collection.

And finally, searching the internet for "Free Photoshop Actions" also reveals links to such sites as Visual Blast Magazine. This article reveals over 124 different Photoshop actions that can be downloaded for free.

Of course, the only way to decide which actions work best for you and your style is to download, install and run on a few different images. Some you may keep, some you may toss, while others may be the perfect accent when run in tandem with another action. While it's still a bit slower in the studio, now is the time to get set for the upcoming "busy season!"

- David Grupa

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dare to be Different; What Kind of Business Owner Are You?

There are lots of photography forums out there; between Facebook groups and privately run sites, it's pretty tough to say that there are no places to go for "inspiration". Many of these sites encourage participants to share their images, along with the techniques used to create them, so that others may learn from what they have done. Photographers of all skill levels participate in these groups, some actively sharing while others are more comfortable "lurking" in the shadows. Of course, there are always one or two who just vie for attention, practically screaming "come on, dig me!" in their efforts to be the "most liked".

In addition to the online education, there are also dozens of opportunities such as seminars, conventions and privately run classes, again offering tips, tricks and formulas for success in the photographic world.

Inevitably, after taking the same classes, joining the same groups and using the same tips, actions and templates, suddenly some photographers' work begins to look "the same". Sure, there are a few folks who will copy an idea down to the last detail, but what is it that you do to set yourself apart? Too many new photographers find an image they like and repeat it over and over, or prowl through the websites of established photographers in hopes of finding an image or pose that their limited technical skill set will allow them to copy.

If running that new action to over-saturate the colors is your idea of "being different", maybe it's time for another look at the bigger picture.

            - After you find an inspiring image or a new pose, do you try to copy it exactly or do you take the idea and execute it in a unique way by adding your own style or twist?

            - Do you spend time looking at images of other photographers for inspiration, or are you "stalking their websites" in hope of stealing ideas?

            - Do you find yourself using the same actions on every image? Do your images stand alone without running actions, or have they become a crutch that keeps you from having to be technically "perfect"?

And finally, my personal favorite:

            - Do you find yourself constantly visiting the sites of other photographers in your area "just to see what they are doing?"

Recently, an individual new to the photographic industry, but no stranger to the business world shared this quote:

"The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time." - Henry Ford

So think about this; are you so stressed over what your competitors might be doing that you can barely find enough time to be creative in your own studio? Or, are you the owner that sets focus on your own brand and business, always creating new items, striving to be better and offering products of high value to your own clients without visible regard for what those around you are doing?

Which one would you rather be . . . and which one would you rather do business with?

- David Grupa

Monday, March 7, 2011

Get Involved in Your PPA Affiliate Groups; You Won't Be Sorry!

If you're a regular reader, you're already aware of my belief in what professional associations do for your business. My active membership and continued participation in these groups has also enhanced my personal life as well, creating some amazing relationships and friendships.

Every year, the Professional Photographers of America (PPA) takes time to honor those who volunteer their services and efforts in the name of bettering the organization. In 1958, PPA created the National Award to recognize and thank these individuals whose support for photography goes far beyond normal expectations or contributions.

Last week during the 2011 Northern Light Convention awards, I was honored with the PPA National Award from the Northern Light Association. (That's PPA President don Dickson and Northern Light President Mike Aulie presenting the award to me.) It is a very humbling experience to be publicly presented with such an award simply for doing what you love. To stand with those who have received the award before me - people who I respect for what they do and have meant to me - is an unforgettable experience.

I truly encourage each of you to dig a bit deeper and get involved in your own PPA Affiliate group. If you're not a member, join today! (CLICK HERE for a list of PPA Affiliate Groups in your area.)

If you are already a member, I'm going to share 4 simple words that will open doors and get you a bit more involved without making any huge commitments. Arrive a bit early to help set up, stay a few minutes afterwards to help clean up or any little job along the way and I can almost guarantee you'll be hooked.

It worked for me.

- David Grupa

Friday, March 4, 2011

Mame-Cam; Novelty Gadget or End of Excuses For Not Having a Camera With You?

So I'm prowling through a few of the online photo areas which I frequent and came across this item from Japanese USB item-manufacturer Thanko.

The Mame-Cam can capture both still and video images while weighing in at only 11 grams. Silly? Perhaps . . . but with a point of usefulness. While it's hardly a full-featured DLSR, you can still capture video in 640×480 resolution, pictures in 1600×1200 and records audio in mono quality.

Currently, it's only available in Japan. However, if you want one badly enough, you can get one from GeekStuff4U for under $200.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Save the Date - Chicks Who Click Scheduled for June 23-26, 2011 in Scottsdale!

You're tired of the ice and snow, but a getaway right now just isn't an option. You want to refresh and rejuvenate your mind, body and photographic skills, but the big-convention thing is just too exhausting.

The perfect solution for you is PPA Charities' Chicks Who Click Conference in Scottsdale, AZ. The girls love this because it's an intimate setting without the hurry and hustle of grabbing a cab and rushing here and there. The guys are also figuring out what the girls know - that its a great conference for everyone, just with a catchy name! It is open to ALL photographers and is a really awesome event.
Chicks Who Click is held at the stunning Firesky Resort in Scottsdale, AZ where there will be ample opportunity to relax and learn from some of the best in the business, including Vicki Taufer, Sam Puc', Jen Hillenga, Ann Montieth, Cindy Behnke, Jennifer Hudson, Carol Andrews, Kay Eskridge, Bridget Jackson, Mary Fisk-Taylor and more!

Of course, there will be some fun involved as well; after all, you're here to learn and refresh. Join us for a Sunrise Shootout, Girls Night Out, Breakfast Meet and Greet, and the Sponsors' Boutique. Take advantage of amenities like the pools, the spa, and some great shopping.
Best of all, this is run as a fundraiser for PPA Charities, so all profits are used within PPA Charities and help us in our efforts to support Operation Smile. 
It is a small event, with a maximum attendance of 250. Visit for more info and to register today!

- David Grupa