
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

How to Add Your Facebook "Fan Page" Link to the New Profile

If you're like me, you love Facebook. It's a great tool for business, not to mention keeping up with friends and family who are scattered across the globe.

Like so many technology-related items, Facebook is constantly evolving. Much to the chagrin of some users, Facebook began rolling out the "new profile" the past December. In an effort to make some areas more "user friendly", a few key items were changed or eliminated.

One such change was the addition of a "Company Page" when you completed the "employment" section of the profile. Some users seamlessly transitioned into existing employer pages, while others had difficulty linking to their existing business "Fan Page". For many, the visual of the generic briefcase was as far as they could get.

To end this frustration, Social Media expert and blogger Ching Ya created a workaround. Although the process has a few steps, it took me about 15 minutes to complete the change and successfully link my existing "Fan Page" to my personal profile.

If you're among those who need to perform this workaround, follow the instructions at Ching Ya's Social Media Blog.

Happy Facebooking!

- David Grupa

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