
Friday, December 31, 2010

Make your resolutions for the New Year, both personal and professional.

We all make New Year's resolutions. Some of them seem simple enough, while others are a bit more long-term and will require some dedication and effort.

Personally, I have stopped making resolutions unless they are realistic, measurable and attainable. This applies to both personal and professional goals!

For example, I'd like to drop 10 pounds. In order to do this, I know that I have to watch what I put in my body. Avoiding fast-food, soda and other convenience foods will help me attain this goal. For me, 10 pounds is both realistic and measurable. Simply saying "lose weight" isn't enough; I need to draw a line and know the boundary.

A number of my professional "must accomplish" items include educating new photographers, not only in photographic skills, but in the business arena as well. There are lots of newer shooters who won't make it out of 2011 because they do not charge appropriately for their product and will not be able to sustain a viable and successful business.

I am also a huge believer in Professional Associations (PPA, MNPPA, TCPPA). While there are loads of places to gain info in books or online, there is nothing that beats what one can learn in a seminar or by networking personally with other photographers. Promoting membership in these associations is another "must accomplish" item for me.

Last year was the first for Camp David; our first effort was a great success. This year we have more things planned, beginning with opening-day programs at the 2011 Northern Light Convention. We hope you'll join us in the coming year (check out Camp David Photo on FB.)

It's become somewhat of a soapbox thing for me, but we're all in this industry together. We've chosen to make a living doing something we love, so I will continue to invest more time educating photographers on doing a better job in their business, pricing and marketing skills so that all of us may continue to enjoy photography as a rewarding profession!

- David Grupa

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